Letter to my son: You are not my child.

Margarita Skopeliti
4 min readMay 4, 2023
Photo by Austin Lowman on Unsplash

I don’t know when in the future, I will have the chance to discuss on the below.

I don’t even know if I can confront you and say these lines, nor manage any questions you may have afterward.

So I am writing this letter.

If you ever read this letter, just call on me to say “Hey Mum, how are you?” or visit me and hug me. Nothing else, nothing more.

My son,

As you grow old, day by day, and I grow also with you, the more I see so much unknown in you. Unknown to me, to my past, my understanding, my experiences, my expectations, my reactions, my ego expecting you to be my legacy to this world.

Day by day, the more I believe that you are not my child.

If bringing you to life was my decision alone, you would not have been born on the day or time of your birthday. Most probably it would have taken more time; I would have been still deciding…

You would not have the eyes you have.

You would not be as tall as you are.

You would not speak the way you do.

You would not think the way you do.

You would not like the sport you do, nor prefer the food that you do.



Margarita Skopeliti

In clinical research in the morning. In clarity research afterwards. Love reading, writing and drinking coffee!Grateful for tips at ko-fi.com/margaritaskopeliti